Saturday, December 08, 2007
Baffled by the baffles.

1) Why is the 'normal' route for the c/s oil line from the fitting just to the right of the two clecos, underneath the engine? It would be much simpler to use a 45 degree fitting and go over the top of the push rod tubes, and then through the rear baffle wall. I doubt it is any longer. Is this ever done? I can find no pictures of it done that way.
2) The baffle floor on #1 will slope down at nearly 45 degrees. I can see nothing unusual about my installation. Are all the -4 like this? Is it because of the c/s prop? I don't think I cut off much of the cowl at the back.
Postscript - 11th December
1) Aerosport Power, the supplier of the engine, say there is absolutely no reason not to go over the top.
2) D-EXTL, a very well built German RV4 has a very similar steep slope to the baffle in front of #1. So onwards, and one day upwards.